Virgin Galactic Flies Tourists to the Edge of Space in Latest Mission

Virgin Galactic Flies Tourists to the Edge of Space in Latest Mission

Virgin Galactic has successfully flown four tourists to the edge of space and back aboard its spaceplane, marking the second such flight this year. The company, founded by Richard Branson, announced the success of the Galactic 07 mission on Saturday.

The mission carried passengers from Turkey, the United States, and Italy to an altitude of approximately 55 miles (88.51 km). The flight, which lasted slightly over an hour, launched from and returned to Spaceport America in New Mexico.

This flight marked the final commercial journey for Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity spaceplane. The company is now focusing on producing its fourth-generation spaceships, which are expected to enter commercial service in 2026.

The Galactic 07 mission highlights Virgin Galactic’s ongoing commitment to making space tourism accessible, continuing its legacy of pioneering commercial space travel.