India to Introduce Biannual University Admissions Starting 2024

India to Introduce Biannual University Admissions Starting 2024

Indian universities and higher education institutions will now admit students twice a year, a practice similar to that followed by universities abroad, according to the University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Jagadeesh Kumar. This change will be implemented starting from the 2024-25 academic session.

The two admission cycles will be in July-August and January-February, providing greater flexibility for students.

“If Indian universities can offer admission twice a year, it will benefit many students. For instance, those who missed admission in the July/August session due to a delay in board results, health issues, or personal reasons. Biannual admissions will help students maintain motivation since they do not have to wait an entire year if they miss admission in the current cycle,” UGC Chairman Kumar stated on Tuesday.

Currently, UGC Regulations permit Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to admit students in a single academic session starting in July/August. An ‘academic session’ spans twelve months, beginning in July/August.